
Clause Library & Taxonomy Subgroup Additional Clauses Survey

As one of the actions from the Clause Library & Taxonomy working group discussions, ISLA is looking to select a number of additional clauses to add to our scope so that the Global Master Securities Lending Agreement (GMSLA) is materially complete in the current phase.

The following survey includes additional clauses under consideration. To take part, please provide your feedback by indicating the frequency with which you use the listed clauses.

The survey will remain open for submissions until 23 April 2021. 

The results of the survey will be presented and discussed at a future Clause Library & Taxonomy working group meeting.

If you have any questions, or require any assistance completing the survey, please contact us.  


Clause Taxonomy and Library Additional Clauses Survey

  • Contact Details

  • Additional Clauses Under Consideration

    Please select the frequency with which you use the following listed clauses.
  • Clause stating a number below which collateral transfers do not need to be made. (Indicative Definition)
  • Clause setting out the intention to enter into a triparty service agreement and in some cases the details of such arrangement. (Indicative Definition)
  • Clauses relating to the delivery of securities and collateral including the timing. (Indicative Definition)
  • Amending a 2010 Version to have the equivalent Event of Default from the 2000 Version. Relates to assets of investor being transferred to a trustee by regulatory authority. (Indicative Definition)
  • Clause amending the 2010 GMSLA to have the same suspension clause effectively removing the caveat that "in each case on the grounds that it has failed to meet any requirements relating to financial resources or credit rating;“. (Indicative Definition)
  • Representation from the parties that they are not entering into the Agreement and any Loans for the purposes of avoiding any tax. (Indicative Definition)
  • Clause amending the standard Waiver of Sovereign Immunity clause such as asserting a party’s right to rely upon sovereign immunity. (Indicative Definition)
  • The contact details for notices under the agreement which is incorporated with the Designated Offices election in the Schedule. (Indicative Definition)
  • Clause to specify whether the Addendum for Pooled Principal Agency Loans may apply to a party. (Indicative Definition)
  • Clause providing the standard settlement instructions for collateral transfers. (Indicative Definition)
  • With reference to the determination of Market Value post Event of Default, includes the fallback methods in the reference. (Indicative Definition)
  • Removing the event of default for a Lender failing to deliver securities on the due date. – Only applies to the 2000 Version. (Indicative Definition)
  • Clause amending the source of the FX rate in the currency conversion clause. (Indicative Definition)
  • Including exchange / clearing fees in relation to delivery failure / Buy In. (Indicative Definition)
  • Clauses relating to Corporate Actions. (Indicative Definition)
  • Clause setting out the record keeping requirements of the parties. (Indicative Definition)
  • Confidentiality and Non Disclosure Clauses. (Indicative Definition)
  • (As described above).