
Agenda Highlight: Joint ISLA/ICMA/SWIFT Technical Update

One of the key highlights from ISLA’s 28th Annual Securities Financing and Collateral Management Conference  in Madrid this year, was the joint associations’ update on their work around key regulatory imperatives impacting our markets.

We are therefore delighted to have Adrian Dale, Director – Regulation & Market Practice from ISLA, James Montgomerie, Executive Director, EMEA Head of Securities Lending Operations & Head of Financing & Collateral Operations (Glasgow) from Morgan Stanley, Andy Hill, Senior Director, Market Practice and Regulatory Policy from ICMA, Richard Comotto, Senior Consultant from ICMA and Paul Janssens, Programme Director at SWIFT present the extensive work of the various ISLA, ICMA, and SWIFT SFTR and CSDR groups and workstreams across all organisations to this year’s Post Trade Conference delegates. Alongside the main highlights, including implementation outlook and timelines, the group will outline individual as well as joint initiatives they are focused on to assist their respective memberships as well as the broader markets with preparations for go-live in 2020.

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