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            What is Securities

            Lending & Borrowing?                                                                                                       From a legal and tax perspective, it is important to note that:

                                                                                                                                       •   Most transactions are carried out using ‘outright transfer of title’ meaning that
                                                                                                                                           legal title to both securities and collateral passes on to the borrower and the lender
            Securities lending and borrowing is a long-
            established and well-functioning market in Europe,                                                                         •   However, whilst legal ownership to the securities is transferred to the borrower
            where an investor temporarily lends securities                                                                                 throughout the duration of the transaction, the economic ownership remains with
                                                                                                                                           the lender. Whilst the borrower receives all dividends and/or interest coupons
            to a borrower, in return for a fee. It is one of four                                                                          during the life of the transaction, these are then passed back to the lender, via what
            different securities financing transaction (SFT) types,                                                                        is called a manufactured payment.
            along with repurchase transactions (repos), buy-                                                                           •   Most transactions take place under the Global Master Securities Lending
            sell back transactions, and margin or commodity                                                                                Agreement (GMSLA) - Title Transfer and the Security Interest over Collateral
            lending. 7                                                                                                                     (Pledge) Agreement both supported by legal opinions with regards to the
            Securities can be in the form of bonds issued by                                                                               enforceability of the agreement across jurisdictions.
            governments or corporates as well as equities and
            Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). In addition to the            Click here to access the ISLA
            fee, the borrower provides the lender with collateral    Securities Lending & Borrowing Hub                                           Supply                                                      Demand
            in the form of cash or other securities. This protects
            the lender from the risk of potential loss if the   with a medium to long-term horizon and thus do not
            borrower becomes insolvent and is unable to return   need access to all of their securities on a daily basis.                                                                              Primary        Underlying
            the lender’s securities. The value of the collateral                                                                         Investors     Intermediaries                                 Borrowers       Borrowers
            provided by the borrower is normally greater than   By lending securities, they can receive additional
            the value of the borrowed securities, providing   income without losing the benefits attached to those                     Pension Funds   Custodial Banks                                  Banks        Hedge Funds
            additional protection for the lender.             securities, such as dividends and interest payments.                                                              Securities
                                                              The revenue generated can help reduce costs for
            To further protect both parties from market       investors, retail and pension plans in Europe.                                                                                                          Alternative
            fluctuations during the life of the transaction,                                                                           Mutual Funds    Direct Lenders                                  Brokers      Investment Funds
            securities and collateral on loan are revalued on a   The European Central Bank (ECB) and other national
            daily basis and adjusted if needed. At the end of the   Central Banks (NCBs) also use securities lending as                  Insurance       Third Party                                                  Proprietary
            transaction the borrower and lender return their   part of their monetary policy. This is vital for price                   Companies         Lenders               Collateral                              Traders
            respective securities and collateral to one another.   stability, economic growth in the Eurozone, financial                 Sovereign                               & Fees
            Securities are frequently lent on an open basis and   stability, as well as an autonomous EU capital                       Wealth Funds
            as such, can be recalled if the lender requires the   market, which lessens external dependence and
            securities back. These requirements form part of   provides sufficient resources internally for European                   Central Banks
            market standard legal agreements and the processes   businesses.
            are further supported by widely accepted best     Whilst only accounting for a relatively small part
            practices between market participants.            of the market, retail investors have also begun to                       Retail Investors
                                                              utilise securities lending for incremental income via
            Lenders are usually investors such as pension funds,
            mutual funds including UCITS, insurance funds and   a range of trading platforms and aggregators (firms
            Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs), that typically invest   that combine small retail holdings into tradeable               Diagram showing the trade flow between the supply-side and the demand-side

            7   According to ESMA’s report on “EU Securities Financing Transactions markets 2024”, the total outstanding exposure of SFTs is EUR 9.8tn, as
             of September 2023. Repos account for EUR 6.7tn or 68% of the total, securities lending for EUR 2.3tn (23%), buy-sell back for EUR 743bn
             (8%), and margin lending for EUR 124bn (1%).
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