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            Inconsistent interpretation of key terms that are core to securities to                                              Lack of clear regulatory acknowledgement of the positive alignment of
            lending & borrowing activity                                                                                         securities lending & borrowing with sustainability

            This includes, in particular, inconsistent interpretation   Outside of core financial market regulation, the         Securities lending and borrowing can actively support   for a causal connection between securities lending
            across Member States, on the acceptability of a pledge   withholding tax landscape across Europe can also            the EU’s sustainable finance agenda. It provides vital   and undue short-term market pressures and clearly
            (security interest over collateral) mechanism for   act as a significant barrier to entry for investment,            liquidity and a secondary market for sustainable   stated that “short-selling and securities lending are
            transferring securities as collateral under a securities   and further reduce competitiveness. We commend            securities like green bonds for example. Transitioning   key for price discovery and market liquidity”. They
            lending transaction with UCITS. Pledge is a well-  Commissioner Mairead McGuinness, in her recent                    to net-zero and achieving other sustainability goals   did not recommend any changes to policy in this area
            established mechanism for transferring securities as   letter to Mario Draghi, where she highlights as a             requires significant capital, exceeding the capacity   as a result of their findings. However, in the absence
            collateral in, for example, in derivatives markets and   priority, greater harmonisation within the single           of public finance alone. Private funding for essential   of clearly defined sustainability legislation targeting
            crucially, enables borrowers of securities to benefit   market to iron out divergent national rules, mentioning      infrastructure and investments is crucial. Well-  investment tools such as securities lending, both
            from a better treatment for regulatory capital, as the   barriers linked to differing taxation frameworks. The       functioning capital markets, facilitated by securities   institutional and retail investors may take a stricter
            borrower retains a property interest in the collateral   recently agreed FASTER Directive aims to make the           lending, are key to generating this funding. Securities   approach to engagement in the activity, which could
            assets and is not exposed to the same risk of non-  administrative withholding tax procedures better fit for         lending, along with short selling, can increase the   ultimately hinder growth in EU markets, as well as
            return of excess collateral by the lender. Therefore,   cross-border investment and combat the possibilities         supply of sustainable securities within these markets.   hinder liquidity in sustainable securities.
            the borrower may be considered to not be taking any   of abuse of taxation rules. However, without a clear           This aligns with the CMU’s wider goals and contributes
            exposure to the lender which potentially eliminates   and consistent definition of for ‘beneficial ownership’        to a more resilient European economy that empowers
            the associated risk weights and leverage exposure   of securities and a consistent interpretation of OECD            the EU to deliver on its objectives under the European
            for the bank. In order for UCITS funds to compete   guidelines, this can create obstacles for investors              Green Deal.                                               Transitioning to net-
            fairly with other lenders, pledge-type mechanisms   when allocating their investments across international           One concern that often arises for asset owners            zero and achieving other
            should explicitly be considered and made consistent   markets thereby potentially limiting the growth of             considering engagement in securities lending, is the
            with other UCITS regulation as an acceptable form of   EU capital markets. Furthermore divergent anti-               temporary transfer of shares, including voting rights,      sustainability goals
            collateral arrangement in a future UCITS review.    abuse legislation across EU member states, including             to the borrower. This has raised questions about          requires significant capital,
                                                               retrospective changes of guidance and lack of clear               whether securities lending and short selling can align      exceeding the capacity of
                                                               and unambiguous regulation can result in investors                with a long-term sustainable investment strategy.         public finance alone.
                                                               withdrawing their supply of securities available for
            “Capital markets regulation                                                                                          The need to attenuate short-termism was one of the
                                                               lending from the market altogether.
            in the EU is advanced and                                                                                            primary action points under the EU’s 2018 Sustainable
            comprehensive. While there is                                                                                        Finance Action Plan. The European Commission, at

            scope for further harmonisation                                                                                      the time, was concerned that activities within capital   Recognising that securities lending plays an important
            in those areas, fragmentation and                                                                                    markets are inducing companies to prioritise short-  role in the market and provides investors with
                                                                                                                                                                                   additional income, the UK Financial Conduct Authority
                                                                                                                                 term profit at the expense of the long-term success
            obstacles to EU capital markets                                                                                      of businesses, which requires consideration of threats   (FCA) has, for example, usefully clarified “we do not
            growth can often be driven by a                                                                                      such as climate change. It mandated the European   consider securities lending as being incompatible
            lack of consistency and common                                                                                       Supervisory Authorities to review the evidence and   with ESG, as securities lending arrangements can be
            approaches in other areas of                                                                                         report on whether practices within capital markets   tailored to meet the ESG objectives of the lending and
            law, particularly regarding issues                                                                                   are generating undue short-term pressure in the   borrowing parties”.
            such as taxation and insolvency                                                                                      real economy, including in relation to securities
            that are in the remit of Member                                                                                      lending. ESMA did not find any concrete evidence

            States.”  10

            10   ESMA makes recommendations for more effective and attractive capital markets in the EU
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