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Global Equity Markets in Focus

 2019 was another year of extremes for the equity markets,   On Wall Street, the DJIA went up almost 22% having   Interestingly and perhaps an indicator as to how quickly   Similarly, the broader economic backdrop shaped invest-
 as investors experienced something of a roller coaster   reached record highs day after day, whilst the S&P 500   sentiment can change, at the time of writing the VIX   ment management sentiment and therefore behavior
 ride. Previous concerns that the trade war between the   increased by 30% and the tech-heavy Nasdaq grew by   was at 18.23, reflecting the ramifications of global trade,   in the equity lending markets during the second half of
 US and China would spiral out of control seemed to abate   40% in value in 2019.   and the Chinese economy in particular dealing with    2019. Although equity markets showed record growth,
 towards the year end, and with a decisive outcome in   the Coronavirus.  hedge funds saw net withdrawals in the first nine months
 the UK election in December, the uncertainties around   The FTSE 100 in London closed near to its record high, as   of 2019, perhaps reflecting how hard it can be to beat a
 Brexit seemed to have been resolved, at least in the short   did markets across Europe.  Inevitably, our markets have not been immune to this   strong index performance. As we look ahead into 2020,
 term. These factors, in part, pushed equity markets to all-  increasingly complex and interconnected macroeconomic   it is not clear if these factors are temporary or represent
 time highs. Every major global index grew through the   Market volatility expressed in terms of the Chicago Board   picture. We have already discussed in this report how cen-  a broader structural change.
 year, with many posting record highs, as central banks   Options Exchange Volatility Index (VIX), had an aver-  tral bank intervention and the reappearance of what are
 cut interest rates and positive earnings reports drove   age closing price of 15.39 in 2019, which was below its   effectively buyback programmes, have influenced fixed   As at the end of June 2019, there were circa €925 billion
 stocks higher.   10-year average of 18.47.   income markets, including lending.  of equity securities on-loan from an available lendable

 Fig 14: Global Securities Lending Equity Market  Fig 15: European Securities Lending Equity Market

 €15T  €1.1T  €2.6T                                                               €190B

 Total Lendable Assets   On-Loan Balance  Total Lendable Assets                    On-Loan Balance

 €13T  €0.8T  €2.1T                                                               €0
 Jul 2019  Aug 2019  Sep 2019  Oct 2019  Nov 2019  Dec 2019  Jul 2019  Aug 2019  Sep 2019  Oct 2019  Nov 2019  Dec 2019
 Source: IHS MArkit                                                      Source: IHS MArkit

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