
ISLA CDM Showcase

  • 1 December 2020
  • London, UK

In August ISLA initiated a pilot scheme, in conjunction with REGnosys and a voluntary subgroup of ISLA’s members, to extend ISDA’s Common Domain Model (CDM) into the securities lending sphere. A CDM encodes a transaction and the events that can occur to that transaction explicitly and unambiguously, so that common inputs lead to common outputs throughout the lifecycle of a transaction. Ultimately a CDM would encode the entirety of the life of a transaction from onboarding, contract negotiation, execution, processing and ultimately termination. ISLA’s pilot set out to model a simple cash DVP stock loan, defining a stock loan product and transaction type to add to the CDM. Additionally the functions of allocation and settlement were within scope of the pilot.

The ISLA CDM Showcase webinar will give members of the CDM Pilot Subgroup an opportunity to take the modelling completed by REGnosys, and demonstrate to the securities lending industry what they can achieve with the model.

Registration for the event has now closed.

If you have any queries about the event please email


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