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 Securiti es Lending Market Report | June 2023

 Equiti es

 >>>  EMEA

 Safe to say it has been a turbulent period for EMEA equity markets throughout the fi rst six months of the year. Central   Fig 1 - DataLend
 banks’ rapid monetary policy ti ghtening to curb stubborn infl ati on aft er years low rates is testi ng the global fi nancial
 system and creati ng an air of uncertainty throughout equity markets. The Swiss government backed acquisiti on of Credit   European Equity Market
 Suisse by rival UBS shocked investors and dampened market confi dence. All this played out with the backdrop of on-going
 geopoliti cal risk with the confl ict in Ukraine marking its fi rst year anniversary in February.   3.00  0.30
 The market uncertainty produced a tough environment   Discreti onary and Real Estate sectors have been the primary   2.95  0.25
 for traditi onal long/short investment managers, which   focus. Additi onally, given the struggles in the corporate debt   2.90
 has infl uenced securiti es lending demand. Managers have   space, due to rising rates and recessionary concerns, we   2.85  0.20
 looked to seek tacti cal opportuniti es in individual names   have seen persistent demand for exchange traded funds   Lendable Value (Trillions €)  2.80  0.15 On-Loan Value (Trillions €)
 within specifi c sectors or markets as opposed to market-  (ETFs) tracking high yield and investment grade corporate   2.70  0.10
 wide exposures leading to narrow but heavily crowded   bond indices.    2.65
 themes.                                                                                               0.05
 In the UK, returns from scrip dividends conti nue to   2.60
 Overall, securiti es lending general collateral balances   support equity revenues. The opti onality embedded in   2.55  0.00
 remained robust with a conti nued focus from borrowers   scrip dividends conti nues to support higher lending fees as   Jan 2023  Feb 2023  Mar 2023  Apr 2023  May 2023  Jun 2023
 on pledging the most cost-effi  cient forms of collateral via   borrowers look to benefi t from the discount associated with   Group Lendable  On-Loan Balance
 cost-effi  cient structures to manage their regulatory binding   the stock versus the cash dividend enti tlements.
 constraints and balance sheet usage. Collateral mobility also   Looking beyond Europe, short interest across the Middle
 remains a focus. As borrowers look to diversify their balance   East conti nues to emerge as investors look for new sources
 sheets, we are seeing greater local responsibility for asset   of alpha. Whilst regulatory developments in many of region’s
 opti mizati on resulti ng in appeti te to pledge a wider range of   countries remains slow, Saudi Arabia is the excepti on. As the   Fig 2 - DataLend
 assets. Additi onally, the UK‘s exit from the European Union   region liberalizes its capital markets, and with Saudi Arabia   European Equity Market Cash vs Non-Cash
 has seen a shift  in borrower demand within the securiti es   now part of major global equity indices, local regulators are
 lending market. A number of borrowers now prefer to   recognizing the liquidity benefi ts a fully functi oning SBL
 conduct business for their European clients through their   market can bring. We anti cipate Saudi Arabia to be the   70.00  250.00
 European banking enti ty. As a result, we have seen a rise   emerging source of new securiti es lending revenue, along   60.00  200.00
 in the number of prime brokers expanding operati ons in   with the wider region over ti me.   50.00
 conti nental Europe.   40.00                                                                          150.00
 The EMEA equity specials environment has been challenged   On-Loan vs Cash (Billions €)  30.00        100.00 On-Loan vs Non-Cash (Billions €)
 given the volati lity in the region, which has been elevated   20.00
 versus other regions. Short themes have been focused on   10.00                                       50.00
 those companies feeling the pressures of high interest rates,
 infl ati onary cost of raw materials, as well as a cost-of-living   0.00  Feb 2023  Mar 2023  Apr 2023  May 2023  Jun 2023  0.00
               Jan 203
 crisis impacti ng sales. Companies within the Consumer
                                            Group Balance vs Cash  Group Balance vs Non-Cash
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16