Page 34 - ISLA_SLReport_Sep2019
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collateral mix, collateral spikes (particularly around non-  €1.4 trillion of securities held with European tri-party
                                                                                                         cash collateral) over the period relate almost exclusively   providers. This is broadly unchanged from six months
                                                                                                         to government bond lending.                 earlier, although we did observe some interesting shifts in
                                                                                                                                                     the balance between the use of equities and government
                                                                                                         In the final weeks of the period, there was clear evidence   bonds as collateral (Fig 21)
                                                                                                         of borrowers reducing cash collateralised balances
                                                                                                         ahead of the half year, although the trading anomaly   As at the end of June, equities used as collateral were
                                                                                                         seen  in  the  final  days  of  the  half  year  appeared  to   reported at 43%, a marginal two percentage point increase
                                                                                                         have impacted both cash and non-cash collateralised     from  six  months  earlier.  The  reasons  behind  this  shift
                                                                                                         loans alike.                                resonate with other changes and behaviours seen across
                                                                                                                                                     the equity world. In particular, increasing asset valuations
                                                                                                         Furthermore, we know that borrowers or banks who   in the first six months of the year will have impacted equity
                                                                                                         use the lending markets to secure HQLA assets for   collateral pools, thereby increasing some of their value.
                                                                                                         LCR purposes, normally prioritise these trades over key   Not surprisingly, borrowers appeared to have therefore
                                                                                                         reporting dates as part of their bank-wide balance sheet   chosen to reduce the level of government bonds being
                                                                                                         management activities. As most of these term transactions   used as collateral. With the end of QE reducing some
                                                                                                         are normally against equity collateral, we tend to see a   of the velocity in government bond markets, combined
                                                                                                         level of rigidity around non-cash collateral even around   with the relative expense of using government bonds over
                                                                                                         key reporting dates. Having said that, this expected norm   equities as collateral, the fall from 48% to 46% of all non-
                                                                                                         was challenged this year as the demand for HQLA assets,   cash collateral is not unexpected.
                                                                                                         particularly in Europe fell, pushing borrowers to unwind
                                                                                                         these traditionally sticky non-cash trades.   As we delve a little more deeply into how government
                                                                                                                                                     bonds are being used as collateral, we have observed
      Collateral Dynamics                                                                                For the non-cash collateral held in Europe, we have seen   again the clear relationship with other elements of the
                                                                                                         for some time now how this market has developed but
                                                                                                                                                     global FX and short-term money markets. As we look
                                                                                                         also how it responds to changes in the underlying cash   at the dispersal of government bonds held as collateral
                                                                                                         markets. As at the end of June 2019, there was circa   by domicile of issuer (Fig 22), as expected bonds from

                                                                                                          Fig 20 - Global Securities On-Loan - Cash Versus Non-Cash
      As we contemplate the impact of waves four and five of   The beneficiary or recipient of the overcollateralisation
      the implementation of the new margin rules for uncleared   or haircut is nearly always the institutional lender of the
                                                                                                             €900k                                                                   €1,500k
      derivatives, it is worth pausing for a moment to look at   security. This ensures that the underlying beneficial owner
      some structural differences between securities lending   of the security enjoys the highest level of protection
      and other fully collateralised markets. Derivatives as   available in terms of initial trading risk.
      well as repo markets use the idea of initial and variation
      margin. Initial Margin (IM) may be described as a haircut;   In other markets, open transactions are assessed on an
      the difference between the initial market value of an asset   on-going basis, with Variation Margin (VM) being called
      and the purchase price paid for that asset at the start of   for to cover adverse mark-to-market (MTM) movements   On-Loan Balance vs Cash (M)                                    On-Loan Balance vs Non-Cash (M)
      a transaction.                              over the life of the transaction. In securities lending, the
                                                  process is similar but the daily MTM process is typically
      The  difference  between  the  two  is  merely  a  matter  of   undertaken at a counterparty exposure level rather than
      expression. A haircut is expressed as the percentage   on an individual trade-by-trade basis.
      deduction from the market value of collateral (e.g. 2%),
      whilst an initial margin is the initial market value of   The global collateral footprint for the first six months of the   €600k                                              €1,200k
      collateral expressed as a percentage of the purchase   year (Fig 20) highlights the key regulatory role played by   Jan 2019  Feb 2019  Mar 2019  Apr 2019  May 2019  Jun 2019
      price  (e.g.  105%).  The  concept  is  no  different  for  our   non-cash collateral. With equity lending markets relatively
                                                                                                                                                                              Source: IHS Markit
      markets,  however  there  is  one  significant  difference.   stable in the context of both overall balances and the

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