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Are you ready for SFTR?                                                                            Here’s our four top things to remember as you   About MarketAxess and Trax
                                                                                                         hit the autumn:

                                                                                                         1.   Easter weekend: SFTR Phase 1 goes live on Easter   MarketAxess  operates  a  leading,  institutional
              “There is no such thing as being too prepared or starting too early”
                                                                                                            weekend 2020. Make sure it’s in your diary, along   electronic  trading platform delivering expanded
                                                                                                            with the chocolate egg reminders          liquidity opportunities, improved execution quality
      Sunil Daswani, Senior Consultant & Business   Lessons  learned  from  past  regulatory  directives,                                             and significant cost savings across global fixed-
      Development for Securities Lending at MarketAxess,   including  EMIR,  show  that  there  is  no  such  thing   2.   Early commencement of UAT is critical – and we   income  markets.  A  record  $1.7  trillion  of  U.S.
      explains why  we need  to learn from  the past  and   as  being  too  prepared  or  starting  too  early.  From   do mean early. Like now. No matter which phase   investment-grade  bonds,  U.S.  high  yield  bonds,
      start preparing earlier for new compliance and   conversations  with  phase  3  go-live  firms  (e.g.  Asset   you are in for “go-live”         emerging market debt, Eurobonds and other fixed
      regulatory reporting demands. And when it comes to   Managers, pension funds etc), it is clear that some are                                    income  securities  traded  through  MarketAxess’
      SFTR, to allow for at least 3 to 6 months of testing   still yet to start planning for SFTR.       3.   Data  needs to be  sourced and  source systems,   patented trading technology in 2018. The global
      (or more) ahead of implementation. Which means                                                        trading systems and records need to be updated   community of 1,600 firms trading on MarketAxess
      getting ready now                           We would like to urge those who have not yet begun        before end-to-end reporting can take place.  today include the world’s leading asset managers
                                                  project planning not to ignore the extent of preparations                                           and  institutional  broker-dealers.  MarketAxess’
      From  April  2020,  the  first  phase  of  the  Securities   needed  ahead  of  the  deadline,  even  if  volumes  are   4.   Controls need to be in place to ensure systems   award-winning  Open  Trading™  marketplace
      Financing  Transaction  Regulation  (SFTR)  reporting   believed to be small.                         operate correctly and reporting is accurate   is regarded as the preferred all-to-all trading
      obligations will come into force. There is no doubt that                                                                                        solution  in  the  global  credit  markets,  creating  a
      SFTR will mean an extra reporting and control lift in   The key lessons learnt from previous regulatory   Remember, regulatory reporting can drive organisational   unique liquidity pool for a broad range of credit
      securities finance functions across the industry.   transaction reporting, like EMIR               change that goes beyond just simple compliance, and   market participants.
                                                                                                         that can deliver greater operational efficiency, reduced
      This  is  evident  when  you  outline,  even  in  brief,  the   EMIR  was  a  long  time  in  the  making,  and  while   costs and greater transparency. If you do it right.   Drawing on its deep data and analytical resources,
      challenges and requirements of the new regulation.   derivatives trading now runs smoothly, it wasn’t always                                    MarketAxess enables automated trading solutions
                                                  the  case.  What  we  learnt  from  EMIR  were  two  key   What should you look for in vendor solution(s)?  and, through its Trax® division, provides a range of
      What are some of the key challenges?        lessons: one, that there are always those less prepared                                             pre- and post-trade services and products.
                                                  than they should be, and two, that regulatory change   More  than  anything,  you  need  to  be  able  to  find  a
         ‹  Complexity – and the failure of tweaking legacy   can, by its nature, change right up until the last minute.  partner who you can trust, and who has the knowledge   MarketAxess  is  headquartered  in  New  York
          systems to be able to cope with that complexity                                                and experience to deliver a sophisticated, informed and   and  has  offices  in  London,  Amsterdam,  Boston,
                                                  What this means is that both firms and their potential   modular approach to solving your particular problems.   Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Salt Lake City, San
         ‹  Volume  of  Data  –  SFTR  requires  over  150   vendor partners need to ensure they have planned for   Your partner should offer:        Francisco, São Paulo, Hong Kong and Singapore.
          reportable data fields. We estimate that there may   all  the  potential  changes  and  anticipated  what  this
          be anything up to, or exceeding, 115 million daily   might mean in terms of resourcing or adapting to the     ‹  Access to near real-time reporting dashboards    For more information, please visit
          transactions that are reportable. So sourcing the   change as it happens.                         and reporting                   
          required data is a huge lift, for everyone.
                                                  To  ensure  proper  preparation  for  the  2020  deadline,     ‹  Regulator-approved solutions and services
         ‹  Time  and  money  –  SFTR  reporting  is  now  only   MarketAxess have already begun UAT (User Acceptance
          8  months  away,  and  the  clock  is  ticking.  There   Testing) with key clients.              ‹  The ability to track the entire reporting process
          are  potential  fines  waiting  for  those  who  fail  to                                         with full visibility.
          make the deadline.                      This  ensures  that  any  existing  issues  can  be  picked
                                                  up  and  addressed,  maximising  our  clients’  ability  to     ‹  Affordable pricing
         ‹  Time - phased implementation with backloading   identify process gaps and development areas, and then
          requires most firms to be ready in early 2020 due   action resolution steps in time for implementation.     ‹  The necessary people and expertise to be able   Sunil Daswani
          to  matching  with  counterparties,  if  both  are  in-                                           to adapt your solution to additional regulatory   Senior Consultant &
          scope organisations for SFTR reporting  So are you ready?                                         changes post go live                       Business Development
                                                                                                                                                        for Securities Lending
      With the deadline fast approaching, some firms may   If the answer is not yet, then it is time to take stock and     ‹  Experience with live platforms already in place for   MarketAxess
      find that they are still requiring help with preparation.   begin a strategic approach.               all types of regulatory reporting

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