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            How Securities Lending &

            Borrowing Contributes to

            a Healthy Financial System

                Makes financial markets more liquid              Reduces operational risk in the system
                and more efficient – providing access            – making securities available where
                to securities for banks and brokers to           they are needed, thus ensuring timely
                meet their market-making commitments             settlement of financial transactions, and
                and obligations towards clients and EU           ensuring market stability.

                Provides a low risk means for                    Is vital for the ability of EU financial
                investors to generate additional                 institutions to meet their risk
                                                                 management regulatory capital
                portfolio income – lenders/owners of             requirements, thus reducing systemic
                securities are the ultimate beneficiaries of
                the income generated from the securities         risk in the system. EU legislation requires
                they lend in return for a fee. The revenue       banks and other market participants to reduce
                can be used to offset operational costs          risk by ‘collateralising’ their exposures to
                thus improving the overall performance           counterparties. Examples include:
                of the portfolio and increasing returns for      (i)   Meeting margin requirements under
                long term investors.                                 derivatives regulation (EMIR), thus
                                                                     ensuring the stability of clearing houses.
                                                                 (ii)   Meeting the Liquidity Coverage Ratio
                                                                     (LCR) and Net Stable Funding Ratio
                                                                     requirement for banks to hold high
                Supports the increase of retail                      quality securities under the Capital
                participation in capital markets - the               Requirements/Basel framework.
                emergence of low-cost retail investment                                                                                        Securities lending and borrowing
                products (e.g., tracker funds such as
                ETFs) is in part due to management costs                                                                                       makes financial markets more liquid
                being supported by revenue gained from
                securities lending. By making investing in the   Is an important part of market
                financial markets more appealing at a lower      operations of the ECB & NCBs – to                                             and more efficient
                cost, securities lending stimulates retail       implement EU monetary policy and
                investment flowing into the capital markets.     promote financial stability. Central banks
                                                                 can use securities lending for quantitative
                                                                 easing to increase supply, by purchasing
                                                                 government bonds and other financial
                                                                 assets from banks and then lending them
                                                                 back into the market.
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