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 Securiti es Lending Market Report | June 2023

 >>>  Europe & United Kingdom Fixed Income  >>>  Corporate and Emerging Market Bonds

 In Europe, the European Central Bank (ECB) conti nued to hike rates over the period, most recently lift ing the deposit rate to   Lending acti vity in credit and Emerging Market (EM) bonds has enjoyed signifi cant growth in volumes and fees,
 3.75%, with President Christi ne Lagarde telegraphing further policy ti ghtening will be required to temper infl ati onary pressures.   parti cularly for US corporate bonds and dollar-denominated EM debt.

 Fig 8 - DataLend  Fig 9 - FIS Global

 European Government Bond Market                   APAC Government Bond Market

 1.00  0.35     0.114                                                                                     1.20
 Lendable Value (Trillions $)  0.60  0.25 On-Loan Value (Trillions $)  Lendable Value (Trillions $)  0.108  0.80  On-Loan Value (Trillions $)
                  Apr 2023
 Jan 2023  Feb 2023  Mar 2023  Apr 2023  May 2023  Jun 2023  0.05  0.100  May 2023                    Jun 2023
 Group Lendable  On-Loan Balance                     Group Lendable  On-Loan Balance
 The pace and trajectory of rate hikes has resulted in robust   The United Kingdom has seen infl ati on remain uncomfortably   With the US Federal Reserve and other global central banks   We have also observed the development of a market more
 acti vity remaining in European sovereign bond markets, with   high this year, forcing the Bank of England’s hand with the   maintaining interest rate hikes in order to combat infl ati on, we   focussed on specials, with shorter-dated bonds across
 an elevated number of specials in place over the period. This   Monetary Policy Committ ee (MPC) lift ing the base rate   have observed greater acti vity in credit markets as corporate   investment grade, high-yield and private placements
 was mostly evident in Germany, with the AAA-rated nati on   aggressively. Indeed, the MPC hiked by an oversized 50bps at   bond issuers are forced to endure higher funding costs.   dominati ng the highest revenue generators list given the
 conti nuing to be most in demand, followed by France and the   the June meeti ng, followed by a 0.25% increase to 5.25% in   More recently, markets have pivoted to global recessionary   sensiti vity to interest rate risk. Indeed, by the end of the
 United Kingdom. Meanwhile, a forced merger of Credit Suisse   July. Policy makers received positi ve news following the June   fears, further denti ng senti ment. Therefore, corporate bond   period, fi ve of the top ten revenue generators were high-yield
 and UBS highlighted banking risks on the European conti nent   infl ati on print with the Consumer Prices Index declining to 7.9%,   revenue set new records, rising close to USD$600 million in   issues. In the EM space, Sub-Sahara African sovereign bonds
 in additi on to the US. The ECB also announced a recalibrati on   a sharp drop from the 8.7% seen in May, and the fi rst infl ati on   the fi rst half of the year. This translated into an approximate   have seen heavy demand with a number of countries seeking
 of its pandemic-era cheap funding conditi ons during the period,   print below 8% in over a year. However, the unexpected   10% increase from the same period last year as average fees   fi nancial support and debt restructuring. Ghana has seen a
 in eff ect incenti vising banks to repay their usage ahead of   slowdown is unlikely to alter the MPC’s path, with the central   rose to 46 basis points. North American acti vity dominated   number of issues trading specials aft er the country was forced
 schedule. This was mostly felt in Italian sovereign bond repo and   bank remaining on course to hike rates through the remainder   borrowing demand and drove the bulk of the revenue, with   to seek a bailout and support from the Internati onal Monetary
 lending markets, with local banks having an elevated usage of   of the year, and a further 50 basis points of hikes priced in by   USD and CAD-denominated issuance making up the top 10   Fund.
 central bank fi nancing, thus seeking to fi nance Italian debt in the   year-end, which would take the base rate to 5.75%. As such, we   revenue generati ng corporate bonds during the period. High-
 wider market. This resulted in growing rate disparity between   conti nue to observe robust demand for gilts with fresh shorts   yield issuance remains well-sought from a borrow perspecti ve,
 core and peripheral repo yields and lending fees.  in place given rising yields. Indeed, most issues in the fi ve-10-  parti cularly Chinese real estate companies as a worsening
 year belly of the curve are trading with a specials premium.   liquidity crisis impacts access to funding markets. However,
 We also conti nue to witness solid demand in term structures   data does highlight a slowdown in revenue growth in the
 with borrowing counterparts keen to source in term evergreen   second quarter with revenue broadly fl atlining from Q1, while
 exposures versus lower-rated or less-liquid collateral. This is   uti lisati on dropped from a year high in March.
 most prevalent using pledge collateral structures as opposed to
 the traditi onal ti tle-transfer method.
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