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 Securiti es Lending Market Report | June 2023

 Looking Ahead

 As we look ahead to the second half of 2023 and beyond given the ever-changing macro-economic landscape it seems
 increasingly diffi  cult to att empt to predict the trajectory of the global markets. However, one remaining constant is the
 on-going need to remain on top of the ever-evolving regulatory landscape.
 At the end of July, U.S. banking regulators unveiled   From a Fixed Income perspecti ve, the outlook for the
 changes to the Basel III rule. The updated version of the   second half of 2023 and beyond remains healthy with
 regulati ons, known as “Basel III endgame , is expected to   several factors conti nuing to drive the demand. Regulati ons
 require banks to hold more regulatory capital to provision   such as the Liquidity Coverage Rati o (LCR) and Net
 against potenti al risk within trading books and operati onal   Stable Funding Rati o (NSFR) will conti nue to drive term
 processes. A ti ghtening of regulatory standards will likely   acti vity, while the backdrop of elevated infl ati on will keep
 see a greater emphasis on lending and borrowing trade   policymakers hawkish, thus driving ongoing specials acti vity.
 structures. The emergence of workable centrally cleared   As always, we are very aware of market liquidity challenges,
 securiti es lending models in both the US and EMEA are   so adequate buff ers and potenti ally excluding a small
 expected to gain momentum as market parti cipants seek  subset of corporate bonds from lending availability will be
 to manage a variety of regulatory binding constraints.
 prudent risk management tools. Lastly, collateral mobility
 Furthermore, the industry has begun preparing for   will be key, parti cularly if signs of bond scarcity persist.   The emergence of workable centrally cleared
 changes in the standard securiti es clearing and sett lement   As such, parti cipants employing a full suite of collateral
 cycles. In February 2023, the US Securiti es and Exchange   opti ons stand to obtain the best returns from their lending   securiti es lending models in both the US and
 Commission (SEC) adopted an amendment which brings   programmes, with those lenders willing to deviate from
 T+1 into the US market by market by 28 May 2024 (aft er   the more traditi onal collateral parameters, having carefully   EMEA are expected to gain momentum as
 the Memorial Day long-weekend) with the Canadian Capital   assessed the risk versus reward dynamic, are likely to see
 Markets Associati on announcing Canada will transiti on a   outsized returns versus their peers. The ability to opti mise   market parti cipants seek to manage a variety
 day earlier on 27 May. We expect the EU and UK to face   the use of portf olio assets across competi ng needs such
 regulatory pressure to adopt this change in the coming   as collateral management, liquidity requirements, and the   of regulatory binding constraints.
 years too. Naturally, this will require increased effi  ciency   drive for enhanced returns will be criti cal for benefi cial
 and automati on at every touchpoint in the trade lifecycle.   owners seeking to navigate this complex global market
 From an agent lender’s perspecti ve, accelerati ng the ti mings   environment.
 of when we receive sale noti fi cati ons and the speed at
 which we can cover that sale through internal processing
 or external recall will be crucial. Readiness remains a key
 initi ati ve for securiti es fi nance industry over the coming
 months, and collaborati on between industry parti cipants
 will be fundamental to this success.
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