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extreme market volatility, fixed income ETFs were no   Greater transparency coupled with inherent in-built   standardisation was it also naturally limited scope and
 longer the target for criticism. This newfound and welcome   diversification makes ETFs an ideal collateral instrument   consequently the initial Lists (one equity, one fixed income)
 credibility will be the catalyst for further growth in use   regardless of some of the current hurdles in understanding.   ran to less than 100 ETFs and only grew organically to
 without question.   The development of industry standard metrics (i.e. , IHS   around 120 in total due to the many inclusion constraints
 there are now over 350 ETFs   Markit ETF Lists v#1) increased understanding and   built-in.
 globally where the annualised   Additionally the ongoing challenges in settling ETFs on a   removed the traditional heavy lifting required in classifying
 average lending revenue   timely basis, (due to their multi-listed nature) - a particular   the myriad of ETFs in existence. Consequently, the   However’ as the chart below courtesy of BNY Mellon tri-
 outweighs the cost of the   sensitivity for overseas investors in regions such as Latin   challenge of knowing which ones to accept and those   party illustrates, the volumes of ETFs within their European
                                                    platform is substantial and continues to grow in spite of
 America or Asia, has improved greatly by the growing
        to avoid in individual and bi-lateral negotiations was a
 ETF management fee  harmonisation of the ICSD model – where irrespective of   significant step forward. This automated process of pre-  the limited ‘standardised’ universe. Over the same three-
 listing, all ETFs settle in a centralised common depository   approved criteria supported by the tri-party platforms   year period from January 2018, ETF collateral balances
 (Euroclear or Clearstream). Who knew that a little-known   greatly simplified the process and increased speed to   have risen by a further 60%, with significant growth in the
 piece of Irish legislation – The Migration of Participating   market. However, one of the downsides of creating market   last 6 months on an ever-increasing trajectory.
 This compares favourably to last time, when progress   Securities Act 2019 – would be a welcome catalyst
 was clearly more nascent. However many, if not all, of   for European ETF market harmonisation? In addition
 the previous impediments still remain – nomenclature   to improving settlement rates, it ought to drive down   Fig 7: BNY Mellon International Tri-Party ETF Balances   Source: BNY Mellon
 challenges, multiple sedols (due to cross-listings),   market-maker costs, increase risk appetite, and harmonize
 classification confusion (is it an equity, is it fixed income?)   inventory pools - particularly important in helping grow
 and perception inaccuracies (“nobody owns them” ,   secondary activities such as options on ETFs, which will   $30B
 “nobody wants them” , “they a retail product”) being just   in turn fuel further long-term demand. We have already
 some of the most common. The industry can and needs   witnessed this in the United States, where an active
 to do more to tackle these, particularly as many of the   options market (in particular high-yield fixed income ETFs)
 regulatory challenges and distractions it has had to face   has driven demand to nearly 100% utilisation in certain
 over the last few years have largely receded. There surely   names and generated significant fee income. Interestingly,   $25B
 cannot be too many other opportunities where supply and   there are now over 350 ETFs globally where the annualised
 demand are growing in tandem by ‘at least 30%’ every   average lending revenue outweighs the cost of the ETF
 three years? If the industry can continue to develop new   management fee – a substantial improvement from 2018
 markets and push into new territories such as Romania,   when there were 150 such products.³   $20B
 one would hope it could similarly solve for the challenge of
 having ETFs with multiple sedols?
 Collateral – Now & Forward Looking

 Fixed Income Adoption   Perhaps now, much like three years ago, the collateral   ETF Collateral balance   $15B
 aspect of ETFs has and continues to see the most
 Three years ago, the use of ETFs by Fixed Income investors   opportunity and advancement. The desire to pledge
 was still a relatively new occurrence, they appreciated the   ETFs as collateral, particularly in relation to the evolving   $10B
 benefits of going short as well as long, similar instruments,   regulatory environment, is as strong as ever, and put simply,
 but were often told the market (to borrow) didn’t exist.   if more and more clients hold them (and in increasing
 Undeterred hedge funds, and even traditional asset   quantities) the need for greater acceptance as a collateral
 managers, started using ETFs to tactically exploit segments   instrument in their own right will only increase. Regulatory   $5B
 of the market and borrow demand grew steadily. What   change in the form of MiFID II led to much greater
 changed however was the industry reached a tipping point   transparency on true European ETF trading volumes,
 in adoption and ETFs are now an indispensable vehicle   where OTC activity had traditionally accounted for
 for Fixed Income investors both large and small. In fact,   upwards of 70% of daily turnover and was largely invisible.
 through the aftermath of the recent Covid pandemic, it   $0B
 became evident that unlike every previous period of   ³Source: IHS Markit  Jan 16  Jan 17  Jan 18  Jan 19  Jan 20  Jan 21

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