Page 24 - ISLA_SLReport_Feb2021_final
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We have explored some of the reasons behind these   Another factor that would have contributed to the
        Utilisation, as measured using the value of securities   these numbers. The following chart that looks at the   types of trading patterns before. Over the past two to   reported 10% fall in cash collateralised business in
        on-loan, steadily increased over the period, rising   split between cash and non-cash collateral highlights   three years, much of the demand to borrow high quality   the final two weeks of the year, would have been the
        from €1 trillion to over €1.1 trillion at the year-end.   how balances against non-cash collateral strengthened   government bonds or High-Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA),   underlying short-term cash markets. As banks and other
        However, behind what appears to have been a broadly   into the year-end, whilst those loans that were secured   has been driven by borrowers’ desire to secure HQLA   institutions look to shrink their balance sheets over the
        strengthening on-loan position (especially into the year-  against cash collateral fell away steeply in the final few   for extended periods. If a prudentially regulated entity   year-end, the market for short term cash investments
        end), there were clearly several factors in play behind   days of the year.
                                                                                                            is able to borrow an eligible HQLA asset for periods of   can almost disappear. Therefore, many lenders who are
                                                                                                            three months or more, they can include these assets in the   in receipt of cash collateral prefer to recall the associated
                                                                                                            calculation of their Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR), which   loan positions, and effectively return the cash to the
                                                                                                            requires banks to hold sufficient HQLA to provide a robust   borrower (as they don’t want to assume the reinvestment
                                                                                                            liquidity cushion for the organisation during periods of   risk during this time).
        Fig 9: Global Securities Lending Government Bond Market (Cash vs Non-Cash)   Source: IHS Markit     market stress. Much of that demand has manifested itself
                                                                                                            through the securities lending markets, where lenders   Both of these factors appear to have played an important
            €0.27T                                                                    €1T                   who are able to forgo access to their government bonds   role during the final few months of 2020, and portray a
                                                                                                            for three months or more, have been able to generate   more normal market environment compared with the first
                                                                                                            incremental lending fees. Typically, these regulatory driven   six months of the year, when some of these expected flows
                                                                                                            trades have also been secured against other securities   were either not seen or were reversed.
                                                                                                            (non-cash collateral), which has the effect of temporarily
                                                                                                            removing high risk-weighted assets (RWA) from the   In Europe, we saw a similar picture with both European
                                                                                                            balance sheet of the borrower. Consequently, it is not   government bonds being made available for lending and
                                                                                                            surprising that borrowers prioritise these regulatory-driven   on-loan balances, with an upward trend throughout the
            €0.26T                                                                    €0.9T
                                                                                                            non-cash trades over the end of year reporting date.   second half of the year.

                                                                                                            Fig 10: European Securities Lending Government Bond Market               Source: IHS Markit
         On-Loan Balance vs Cash  €0.25T                                              €0.8T  On-Loan Balance vs Non Cash  €1.1T                                                           €0.34T

                                                                                                             Total Lendable Assets                                                              On-Loan Balance

            €0.24T                                                                    €07T                       €1T                                                                      €0.30T

            €02.3T                                                                    €0.6T
                                                                                                                €0.9T                                                                     €0.26T
                    Jun 20    July 20  Aug 20    Sep 20    Oct 20   Nov 20    Dec 20                                    Jun 20   July 20   Aug 20    Sep 20    Oct 20   Nov 20    Dec 20
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