Page 21 - ISLA_SLReport_Sep2019
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Fig 11 - Global SL Government Bond Market - Cash Versus Non-Cash  Fig 12 - Global Government Bond Lendable Supply - By Fund Type

 €270k  €710k     Banks/Broker Dealers 2%

 On-Loan Balance vs Cash (M)  On-Loan Balance vs Non-Cash (M)  Corporations, LLP and LLC 3%

                  Foundation and Endowment 1%

                  Government/Sovereign Entities/Central Banks 32%
                  Insurance Companies 9%

                  Mutual / Retail Funds 23%
 €0  €650k
                  Pension Plans 30%
 Jan 2019  Feb 2019  Mar 2019  April 2019  May 2019  Jun 2019
 Source: IHS Markit                                                           Source: DataLend

 cash one. Of the €950 billion of government bonds on-  Part of the drivers behind the mobilisation of HQLA in the   government bonds within lending programmes came   Although  this  may  reflect  minimum  lending  thresholds
 loan as at 30 June 2019, 72% were against non-cash   context of prudential reporting regimes, is the ability to   from SWFs, with the proportion rising to 35% of   restricting utilisation as rates have fallen, their dominance
 collateral (Fig 11).   secure HQLA for periods of three months or more. This   reported on-loan balances (Fig 12 and Fig 13). This is   in this sector remains.
 allows the borrower to include any borrowed securities   in fact a further softening of the previous concentrations,
 The relationship between this market and the use of non-  in its LCR calculation as part of its balance sheet   with SWFs representing 33% and 39% of available   As we look past Brexit, the role of these institutions
 cash collateral is a feature we have tracked for a number   management regime. We have tracked the development   securities and on-loan balances respectively as at    in maintaining deep and liquid markets will
 of years. We have discussed in previous reports the link   of this term HQLA market for a number of years now, and   30 December.   be crucial.
 between the lending of HQLA, and regulatory compliance   whilst acknowledging the challenges in securing high
 with prudential hurdles such as the LCR.   quality data in this area, there is a clear and persistent   Fig 13 - Global Government Bonds On-Loan - By Fund Type
 core of term business that did not exist several years ago.
 Recent  data  from  the  first  half  of  this  year  underlines   Latest information from DataLend suggests that circa 15%
 these relationships,  and the importance of securities   of all government bond lending is undertaken on a term
 lending to banks in managing their prudential positions.   basis, although we feel that this number is understated
                  Banks/Broker Dealers 10%
 The spikes in utilisation around the end of March and   with the real number being much higher, possibly as
 again  in  June  were  almost  exclusively  against  non-  high as 50%.
                  Corporations, LLP and LLC 2%
 cash collateral, suggesting a regulatory driver behind
 these trades.  As we look at the role that the lending of government   Foundation and Endowment 1%
 bonds plays in the context of market liquidity, the
 From our previous work in this area, we know that most   mobilisation of HQLA is becoming increasingly important   Government/Sovereign Entities/Central Banks 35%
 term HQLA business is undertaken within a non-cash   in the context of wider collateral usage. Set against
 framework. It is therefore not surprising that banks   that backdrop, we have tracked the supply-side of the   Insurance Companies 7%
 wanting to keep these important regulatory trades on, are   market for some time now to better understand the link
 clearly prioritising them over the regulatory reporting date.   between key institutional investors and the provision    Mutual / Retail Funds 13%
 Additionally, cash reinvestment opportunities are typically   of liquidity.
 limited in nature as the availability of unsecured issuance   Pension Plans 32%
 and repo dries up when bank balance sheets contract   As  at  the  end  of  June  2019,  data  from  DataLend
 over reporting periods.  suggests that some 32% of available inventory of   Source: DataLLend

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