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opportunities missed due to not having a CRA rating.     ‹ Principals  can  select  and  monitor  new  and   issue that will not go away. The frustrations of the 2006   regulation in Europe will prove a catalyst for change and
 Ironically, one could argue that lending to “peers” may   existing counterparts (e.g. hitherto unrated broker   Agency Lending Disclosure (ALD) process need to be   bring much needed transparency - a new era of European
 in fact reduce counterpart credit risk as the chart   dealers or “peers’)   addressed and the forthcoming 2020 Securities Finance   ALD is around the corner. New, alternative credit datasets
 below demonstrates.  Transaction Reporting (SFTR) regime will further challenge   will  help Securities  Finance market participants  make
   ‹ Agents can increase reporting transparency to   an  already  stretched  credit  infrastructure.  The  SFTR   these processes more automated and efficient.
 Indemnification  or  Insurance:  Securities  Finance   Beneficial  Owners  and  better  understand  risk
 participants could also insist upon receiving an   adjusted returns  Fig 15 - Example of available consensus data spread for mutual and hedge funds
 indemnification  or  insurance  policy  from  their  agent
 lenders. This is not without financial and capital cost     ‹ The borrowers can manage capital and Risk Weighted
 and will potentially negatively impact their earning   Assets (RWAs) more accurately
 potential, alongside the capital and cost implications   8000
 for the indemnity provider. This approach might help     ‹ All parties comply with forthcoming regulatory reporting
 reduce  the  level  of  risk  but  could  be considered to   requirements at time of trading
 be “using a sledge hammer to crack a nut”. Market
 standard documentation, and liquid collateral held in     ‹ Across the market enjoy better informed resource
 a  Triparty  account  with  a  positive  margin  marked to   allocation and financing decisions
 market daily should theoretically supplant the need
 for an insurance policy. Some of the larger more   New, complementary data sources are now available,
 sophisticated lenders have taken the decision to not   providing credit data coverage on funds – from sovereign
 require indemnification at all.   wealth funds to hedge funds via mutual funds, insurance
 funds, pension funds, and others. Extensive data is also
 There is an alternative solution to this problem. Securities   available  on  Custodians  and  sub-custodians,  Prime
 Finance market participants including beneficial owners,   Brokers and subsidiaries, Broker Dealers and subsidiaries,
 agents, and principal borrowers can leverage alternative   Indemnification Providers, CCPs, and Exchanges.
                   aaa  aa+  aa  aa-  a+  a  a-  bbb+  bbb  bbb-  bb+  bb  bb-  b+  b  b-  ccc
 consensus datasets to improve business performance,
                                                              Total: 20,154 Mutual Funds
 save  capital  and  increase  efficiency.  Some  of  the   The challenge of reviewing and onboarding large numbers
 additional benefits of this approach include:   of funds that are unrated by the CRAs is a major resource
 Fig 14 - Consensus data - average credit quality of unrated ‘peers’ versus broker dealers

 a+  a+  a+  a+  a+  a+  a+  a+  a+  a+  a+  a+  aa-  aa-



 a-  a-  a-  a-  a-  a-  a-  a-  a-  a-  a-  a-  a-  a-
 a-             0
 May 18  Jun 18  Jul 18  Aug 18  Sep 18  Oct 18  Nov 18  Dec 18  Jan 19  Feb 19  Mar 19  Apr 19  May 19  Jun19  aaa  aa+  aa  aa-  a+  a  a-  bbb+  bbb  bbb-  bb+  bb  bb-  b+  b  b-  ccc
                                                                Total: 2,295 Hedge Funds
 Broker Dealers (Bank Entities)   Peers (Pension Plans and Sovereign Wealth Funds)

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