Page 22 - ISLA_SLReport_Sep2019
P. 22

Know Your Counterparts’

      Creditworthiness (KYCC)

      It is essential for all global capital markets participants   Financial  risk  comes  in  many  different  forms,  as  the   may also result from other problems associated with a   in their counterpart selection in the interests of avoiding
      to “know” the counterparts with whom they do business   diagram below illustrates - the good news is that the risks   counterparty unwilling to honour the contract.”  risks that they cannot fully understand.
      and factor these counterparts’ creditworthiness into their   can all be understood and measured, and action can be
      onboarding, risk management, capital, and operational   taken to manage and mitigate them.         Calculating counterpart credit risk typically involves   The lack of CRA ratings for the supply-side (e.g. Sovereign,
      decision-making. Irrespective of an organization’s position,                                       the building of regulatory approved models (for   Pension, Mutual and Insurance Funds) and demand side
      whether on the buy side, sell side or as a principal/agent   This short paper focuses upon the counterpart credit risk   banks), requiring numerous detailed data inputs   (e.g. Broker Dealers and Hedge Funds) of the industry,
      intermediary, risks exist. Legacy processes such as the   that occurs in the Securities Finance Industry. However,   under  the  management  of  sophisticated  and  combined with the fact that the agents cannot provide
      2006 Agency Lending Disclosure (ALD) are outdated and   the approach outlined can be applied across the Capital   experienced risk managers.   CRA-style information to their clients without accepting
      in need of revision. Forthcoming new regulations, such   Markets and include counterparts such as:                                             liabilities that they may not wish to accept (given that they
      as the 2020 Securities Finance Transaction Reporting                                               Recent research conducted by Credit Benchmark   are not CRAs and their credit opinions are proprietary
      (SFTR), are fast approaching. Therefore, the need for     ‹ Central Clearing Counterparts (CCPs)   has concluded that one of the largest counterpart risk   and confidential) makes it challenging for the Beneficial
      an  efficient,  new  approach  to  bring  operational,  risk                                       management challenges faced in Capital Markets is   Owners to assess their counterpart risk accurately.
      management and capital benefits has never been greater.    ‹ Asset Managers                        in the counterpart ‘heavy’ Securities Finance industry.
                                                                                                         Incorporating securities lending, repo and prime   For reasons stated previously, many Beneficial Owners
      Financial Risk                                ‹ Custodians and Sub-Custodians                      brokerage, this vital industry is at the epicenter of the   and Hedge Funds do not have the capabilities in-house
                                                                                                         Capital Markets. One of the key challenges is that many   to assess and manage certain counterparts. However,
        Market Risk  Credit Risk  Liquidity Risk  Operational Risk    ‹ Broker Dealers                   participants, in particular the numerous funds in this   it is ultimately their decision to make as they are often
                                                                                                         industry, have been hitherto unrated by the traditional   principals in the transactions. Ironically, they often
                               Asset                ‹ Execution Brokers                                  Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs). This means that the   struggle with counterparts that look quite like themselves
        Absolute Risk  Credit Event     Fraud Risk
                                                                                                         participants have had to take responsibility for the   – A.K.A. their “peers”, because they have no CRA rating.
                   Sovereign   Funding              ‹ Exchanges                                          complicated undertaking of counterpart risk assessment
        Relative Risk                   People Risk
                     Risk     Liquidity
                                                                                                         themselves, or otherwise adapt their behaviour.   Counterpart Restriction: Securities Finance participants
         Directional                    Model Risk  Counterpart Credit Risk is defined as:                                                           could choose to restrict their counterparts to those with a
                                                                                                         Given  that  calculating  and  monitoring  counterpart   CRA rating above a certain level – which constrains their
         Non-Direc-                     Legal Risk
          tional                                 “The risk that a counterparty to a transaction or contract   creditworthiness in-house requires a significant resource   business opportunities and reduces the performance of
                                                  will default (i.e. fail to perform) on its obligation under the   commitment, it is a function that banks are often best   their lending programme via their agent (if they have one).
         Basis Risk
                                                  terms of the contract between the parties. Counterparty   placed  to  meet.  Many  non-bank  principal  participants   This approach will potentially have negative commercial
                                                  risk is not limited to credit risk (the risk that the counterparty   are left to rely on their best in-house efforts, dependent   implications – with perfectly sound counterparts
        Volatility Risk
                                                  cannot fulfil its contractual obligations for payment) but   upon incomplete information from the CRAs, or restricted   possibly being excluded from their counterpart list and
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