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Shares Premium Dividend (SHPR)

Shares Premium Dividend (SHPR)

SFTR Report - NONE | Corporate Action Cluster - Economic outside SFT | Cash Move - Y>

Status: Best Practice Finalised, Last Updated: 24/05/2021

SFTR Report - NONE | Corporate Action Cluster - Economic outside SFT | Cash Move - Y

This corporate event pays shareholders an amount in cash issued from the shares premium reserve. It is similar to a dividend but with different tax implications.

Best Practice:
For cash payments which do not affect the open SFT, the beneficial counterparty is contractually due payment in full on pay date. If payment is not received, counterparties should raise a query on pay date + 1.

A claim needs to submitted via email as soon as possible after announcement date in order for a payment to be made, the minimum field list for claims can be found" target="_blank">here.

If payments are not made on pay date the recipient counterparty should provide a valid reason for non-payment.

In addition to reviewing Contract Compare prior to and on pay date, Contract Compare should be checked on pay date+1 to ensure newly created positions are reconciled. Any differences need to be escalated to counterparties immediately. (COAC-38)


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