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Dividend Option (DVOP1)

Dividend Option (DVOP1)

SFTR Report - NONE | Corporate Action Cluster - Economic outside SFT | Cash Move - Y>

Status: Best Practice Finalised, Last Updated: 24/05/2021

SFTR Report - NONE | Corporate Action Cluster - Economic outside SFT | Cash Move - Y

Distribution of a dividend to shareholders with a choice of benefit to receive. Shareholders may choose to receive shares or cash. To be distinguished from DRIP as the company creates new share capital in exchange for the dividend rather than investing the dividend in the market.

Best Practice:
For cash payments which do not affect the open SFT, the beneficial counterparty is contractually due payment in full on pay date. If payment is not received, counterparties should raise a query on pay date + 1.

A claim needs to submitted via email as soon as possible after announcement date in order for a payment to be made, the minimum field list for claims can be found " target="_blank">here.

If payments are not made on pay date the recipient counterparty should provide a valid reason for non-payment.

In addition to reviewing Contract Compare prior to and on pay date, Contract Compare should be checked on pay date+1 to ensure newly created positions are reconciled. Any differences need to be escalated to counterparties immediately. (COAC-62)


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