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Status: Under Review, Last Updated: 28/01/2022

This handbook contains Best Practices for ISLA members relating to securities lending and associated collateral activities. The guidance provided by these practices has been proposed, drafted and validated through member interaction within the ISLA Market Practice Steering Group.

ISLA recommend the application of these practices by all members, unless bilaterally agreed, to promote the standardised interaction and lifecycle maintenance of securities lending activities. (IBP-102)

Process & Resolution>

Status: Under Review, Last Updated: 28/01/2022

Process & Resolution
In the event of a dispute between parties, where Best Practice requires further clarification, ISLA member(s) should raise that disputed point through the procedure noted in 'Amendments' (IBP-331).

Any disputed issue(s) will be clarified and validated by consultation with the ISLA Market Practice Steering group. Any addition, edit or deletion will be reflected on the ISLA Best Practice handbook web page. (IBP-104)


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