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Report Submitting Entity

Report Submitting Entity

Field 1.02 | Matching Date: n/a | Tolerance: n/a | Agent Lender Data Provision: No>

Status: Best Practice Finalised, Last Updated: 26/04/2021

Field 1.02 | Matching Date: n/a | Tolerance: n/a | Agent Lender Data Provision: No

Unique code identifying the entity which submits the report. In the case where submission of the report has been delegated to a third party or to the other counterparty, a unique code identifying that entity.

Best Practice:
This field shall contain a valid LEI recognised by GLEIF. The LEI shall pertain to a legal entity and not a branch. The status of the LEI for message template "EROR" is irrespective, but for all other message templates it can be either:

  • Issued

  • Pending Transfer

  • Pending Archival

This field represents the entity who submitted the report and does not necessarily pertain to any counterparty to the transaction, although it can be equal to field 1.03 (Reporting Counterparty) if reporting is not delegated.
This entity could therefore be:

  • a third-party service-provider to whom the Reporting Counterparty or Entity Responsible for the Report has outsourced the operation of reporting (Agent Lender or other), else;

  • equal to Field 1.03 (Reporting Counterparty) where there is no delegation and Field 1.05 (Sector of the Reporting Counterparty) is not a UCITS management company or AIFM reporting on behalf of a UCITS or AIF; else

  • equal to Field 1.10 (Entity Responsible for the Report) if that is not also the Reporting Counterparty, in which case it will be either a UCITS management company or AIFM reporting on behalf of a UCITS or AIF.

Where a trade is booked via an Agent Lender (Field 1.18), who is the appointed delegate, it will also be the Report Submitting Entity (1.2). (SFTR-4)


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