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                 Securities Lending Market Report | H1 2024

             Government Bonds

     >>>    Global                                                                                                          >>>    European

             Fig 1 - S&P Global                                                                                                  Fig 2 - S&P Global

                                                  Global Government Bond Market                                                                                     European Government Bond Market

                 4.40                                                                                     1.45                      1.32                                                                                     390.00
               Lendable Value (Trillions €)   4.25                                                        1.35 On-Loan Value (Trillions €)  Lendable Value (Trillions €)  1.26                                               370.00 On-Loan Value (Billions €)
                                                                                                                                      Jan 24
                  Jan 24         Feb 24          Mar 24         Apr 24         May 24          Jun 24     1.20                      1.18             Feb 24         Mar 24          Apr 24         May 24          Jun 24    330.00
                                                 Group Lendable  On-Loan Balance                                                                                     Group Lendable  On-Loan Balance
             Collateral scarcity was old news as we moved into 2024,   This removes the need for short coverage. The lack of   On the euro side the market continues to focus on the   The recent general lack of repo rate squeezes around the
             and we have now experienced a pivot in supply demand   excitement around futures delivery events highlights       upcoming go-live of the ECB’s new operational framework   cheapest-to-deliver futures delivery can be interpreted as
             dynamics within Securities Lending and Repo markets. We   inactivity from the buy-side, with our borrowers now    (September 2024), and related expectations of how this will   a sign of muted buy-side activity. We haven‘t observed
             have seen significant increases in on-loan balances but   rather seeking longer terms and diverse collateral to create   impact markets. The evolution in the role of central banks   real liquidity pressure, and if any, it‘s been mild and event-
             against this a dynamic of significant spread compression.   value. The increased demand from borrowers to access   is much discussed (increasingly having become lenders of   specific, briefly driving up fees or causing supply shortages
             Globally the figures reported by the likes of S&P paint a   liquidity on term is an interesting dynamic, it represents a   “first” rather than “last resort”). Substantial liquidity remains   for certain bonds. In April, we observed some specialness
             picture of declining revenue and underperformance. We   way for beneficial owners to unlock additional value from   in the European Fixed Income market, with €3 trillion   on two BTPs, related to pressure on liquidity due to a lack
             began to observe the onset of spread compression in Q4   their portfolio, whilst allowing borrowers to access liquidity   still held at the ECB, down from a peak of €4.8 trillion   of activity in the repo market from beneficial owners. This
             2022, indicating excess supply in European bond markets,   that enables them to meet their regulatory capital ratios   in November 2022. The European repo market has seen   situation triggered a reaction from the Italian Ministry
             resulting in fewer bonds trading at special rates compared   (regulatory compliance being a key focus). We think this is a   muted demand for government bonds, with minimal specials   of Economy and Finance (MEF) to add liquidity via repo
             to the general collateral (GC) rate. For example, out of 84   healthy mutually beneficial dynamic.                activity. Most European government bonds trade at general   operations with the outcome being a swift resolution for
             German Bund issuances, 40 were trading at over 20 basis   By H1 2024 fast money had moved to the US, and to Japan,   collateral (GC) levels.                       market liquidity.
             points (bps) above GC. Today, only 8 issuances exceed 8   which is a market that has seen massive growth as the
             bps. This trend was a direct result of the end of the rate   Bank of Japan has begun to move to end its yield control
             hike cycle, which culminated in the summer of 2023, with   curbs. Market participants have been primarily focused on
             the Federal Reserve’s last hike occurring on July 26, 2023,   financing rather than short coverage, driven by expectations
             and the European Central Bank (ECB) concluding its hikes   of imminent rate cuts. The ECB reduced rates by 25 basis
             on July 27, 2023. Repo spreads have since remained   points in June, with the Bank of England following suit
             compressed, with European government bonds seeing   in August and the Federal Reserve anticipated to follow
             subdued borrowing demand.
                                                              with at least a 25 basis point cut in September. We note a
             Early in the rate hike cycle, the buy-side shorted bonds and   decoupling of the monetary policy stance of the ECB versus
             bought futures, boosting demand for short coverage. This   the Fed and look cautiously at the policy shift from the BOJ
             activity in European government bonds created volatility and   which could prompt domestic investors to favour local over
             opportunities for incremental portfolio yield. However, as   foreign bonds, in addition to the role it will play in unwinding
             rates plateaued and market anticipation of rate cuts became   large carry trades present in the market with the potential
             priced in, positioning has now shifted to long.   impact of introducing significant additional volatility.
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