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                 Securities Lending Market Report | H1 2024

             Corporate and Emerging Market Bonds                                                                               Collateral Management Trends

             Corporate bonds largely outperformed Treasuries in the first half   For securities lending taking the full H1 view Corporate bond   The triparty collateral management landscape has seen an   As the final Basel III Rules take effect, commercial banks are
             of the year, supported by higher income payments and falling   markets have shown stable activity levels. Despite stable   increase in balances. With the ESTR overnight rate consistently   confronted by higher regulatory capital costs. These changes
             spreads. However late July and into August market volatility   activity, notable fee erosion continues, (reflecting broader   trading below the GC repo rate. This trend indicates that   will result in banks potentially being required to allocate
             caused investors to pare back corporate bond holdings in   market conditions) though some specialness persists in certain   many financial counterparties lack the optionality to optimise   substantially more capital against their trading and financing
             favour of government bonds. In the US weaker than expected   names.                                               their cash positions without direct access to central banks or   activities. How you trade and who you trade with is increasingly
             employment and manufacturing data stokes fears of recession                                                       adequate repo capacity. The imbalance in collateral supply   important. We see our customers wanting to diversify their
             and pushes down Treasury yields with a corresponding inverse                                                      and demand underscores the importance of efficient collateral   counterparty base, to access broad and diverse sources of
             move for corporate bond spreads.                                                                                  management strategies. A clear trend has emerged for the   liquidity and to diversify credit risk. We see specific demand to
                                                                                                                               market to increasingly opt for the use of non-cash collateral,   swap own covered bonds versus covered bonds of other banks
                                                                                                                                in parallel with the elevated rate environment and additional   to enhance LCR. On the repo side we see increased demand
                                                                                                                               focus market participants pay to the topic of trading inventory   and focus for our clients to access liquidity from corporate,
                                                                                                                               and collateral optimization. Within “non-cash” we see an   sovereign and public sector entities (specifically on term) in
                                                                                                                               increasing role for both equities and Investment fund shares. In   order to benefit from advantageous RWA and NSFR. Worldwide
                                                                                                                               addition we see increasing demand towards the diversification   money market funds (MMFs) saw record net inflows of almost
                                                                                                                               of collateral (repo) towards the traditionally harder to finance   EUR 1.4 trillion over 2023, with about EUR 1 trillion of these
                                                                                                                               assets in particular CLO’s. In the eurozone this is certainly   net inflows in the United States. The result of this is similarly felt
                                                                                                                               partially attributable to the tapering of TLTRO which results in   in securities finance markets.
                                                                                                                               adjustments to financing markets, with a reduction in Central
                                                                                                                               Bank pledges offset by growing appetite in interbank markets.

                                                                                                                               Fig 4 - S&P Global
       Introducing the                                                                                                                                           Global Government Bonds Cash vs Non-Cash

       ISLA Securities Lending                                                                                                     370.00                                                                                     1080.00
       & Borrowing Hub                                                                                                            Lendable Value (Billions €)  355.00                                                         1020.00 On-Loan vs Non-Cash (Billions €)
       Your ultimate resource for all securities lending                                                                           340.00                                                                                     940.00
       and borrowing information                                                                                                      1 Apr24        16 Apr 24      1 May 24       16 May 24       31 May 24      15 Jun 24
                                                                                                                                                                   Group Balance vs Cash  Group Balance vs Non Cash
           Learn about the Key Market Participants                                                                             Fig 5 - S&P Global

           Deep Dive into the Benefits of Securities Lending                                                                                                 European Government Bond Market Cash vs Non-Cash

           Get your Questions...Answered                                                                                           40.00                                                                                     370.00
                                                                                                                                  On-Loan vs Cash (Billions €)  25.00                                                        340.00 On-Loan vs Non-Cash (Billions €)
           Access the Latest Market Data                                                                                           35.00                                                                                     360.00
                      Scan to find out more                                                                                        10.00                                                                                     320.00
                                                                                                                                     Jan 24        Feb 24        Mar 24        Apr 24        May 24        Jun 24            300.00
                                                                                                                                                                  Group Balance vs Cash  Group Balance vs Non Cash
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