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14  Securities Lending Market Report | H2 2024                                                          15

 >>>  Corporate & Emerging Market Bonds

 Corporate bonds had to endure higher funding costs than previously anticipated during 2024 as central banks fought
 to combat sticky inflation. This translated to strong demand for high-yield issuance, particularly Chinese assets given
 expected trade wars.
 We also started to observe borrow demand for automakers   Emerging market bonds received a boost during the start
 with a number of short positions in place. With declining   of the period as the Federal Reserve cut interest rates
 European auto sales and the shift to electric vehicles,   by an outsized 50bps in September, temporarily buoying
 borrowers sought corporate bond issuance of Porsche,   sentiment. However, the re-election of President Trump
 Volvo and Volkswagen, for example. Furthermore, with   posed significant political risks across emerging markets.
 political and economic uncertainty across the globe, the   US policy will likely see higher and more volatile rates
 trend of credit financing has continued. In short, asset   than previously, while sentiment towards non-US assets
 owners such as LDI funds have increasingly sought to use   remained downbeat. President Trump came to power
 corporate bonds in repo and securities finance transactions   promising tariffs of up to 60% on goods imported from
 as a funding tool to guard against forced liquidations. This   China, and a 20% levy for other countries. The Mexican
 allows portfolio managers to promptly raise cash to meet   peso came under pressure as tariffs would hit particularly
 margin obligations rather than selling gilts and other long-  hard given it is the US’ largest trading partner. Additionally,
 term bond positions.    many US automakers have their main production centres
    in Mexico, something the President has labelled a “serious
    threat” to the US. Chinese assets have also been caught in
    the stampede into “Trump trades”, with economic growth
    expected to slow, while a surging US dollar acted to push
    some Asian currencies to 20-year lows.  ISLA 32nd Annual  Securities

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