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Securities Lending Market Report | H2 2024
Data Methodologies
ISLA Publishes
This ISLA Securities Lending Market Report has been Whilst each of these data providers covers broadly the 2024-2029 Manifesto
compiled using a range of data contributors together with same market we have chosen to use data from each to
specific information provided directly by our members reflect the fact that each has a slightly different business
through questionnaires. model and client mix and therefore provide different
perspectives across certain asset classes or regions.
We would like at this point to thank all of the various ISLA is pleased to announce the publication of the Association’s 2024-2029
contributors for their efforts in assisting ISLA in the All regional and geographic analysis reflects the location
production of this report. of the issuer of the securities (as opposed to the location manifesto; How to Boost Europe’s Capital Markets by Empowering Securities
of the lender or borrower) as this is the basis on which the Lending & Borrowing.
Loan information that includes details of securities on-loan providers collect and analyse their data.
across different asset and client types has been provided
by three institutions that provide commercial data and Data from the principal tri-party service providers active in
benchmarking services for the securities financing industry. Europe today is also incorporated within the report as part
of our analysis of collateral.
DataLend, S&P Global and FIS Global all collect data from
industry participants on a high frequency basis and provide
a range of securities lending benchmarking analytics Scan to read the full report.
that allow firms and their clients to better understand
and assess the relative performance of any given lending
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