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                 Securities Lending Market Report | H1 2024

                                                                                                                                     ISLA Publishes

                                                                                                                                     2024-2029 Manifesto
     >>>    Europe

             Fig 8 - S&P Global                                                                                                      ISLA is pleased to announce the publication of the Association’s 2024-2029
                                                                                                                                     manifesto; How to Boost Europe’s Capital Markets by Empowering Securities
                                                      European Equity Market                                                         Lending & Borrowing.

                 3.70                                                                                     0.25
               Lendable Value (Trillions €)  3.50                                                         0.15   On-Loan Value (Trillions €)           Scan to read the full report.
                   Jan 24         Feb 24          Mar 24         Apr 24         May 24          Jun 24    0.00
                                                  Group Lendable  On-Loan Balance

             In Europe, the picture was less clear, with several factors   To summarise European Equities in H1 2024:
             depressing activity and performance. A lack of any meaningful   •   European lendable appears to track underlying equity market
             deal opportunities in Europe combined with the general malaise   performance especially into the half year.
             around capital market activity across the continent saw a fall in
             both on-loan balances and revenues in the first half of 2024.   •   Seasonality in and around the spring months is much more
             Europe failed to register a single security in the top ten of   muted than in previous years.
             revenue generating equities in the first half of 2024.
                                                                 •   European on-loan less than 30% of levels seen in US
             Although we did see some seasonality in markets in the data it is   markets.
             clear that markets such as such as France, Germany and Sweden
             saw less of this activity in 2024.
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