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                 Securities Lending Market Report | H1 2024

             Looking Ahead                                                                                                                                        Equities

             Looking ahead to the second half of the year and 2025 we anticipate the current situation to persist. Volatility has returned                         >>>    Introduction
             and we expect this to be a continued feature in global markets.
             This will create opportunities in securities lending. Structurally we expect the market to continue to move towards a state
             of normality with declining rates and a tapering of central bank interventions. This normalisation will likely alleviate some                         While Equity markets have mirrored the global trends outlined in the previous
             pressures on ancillary costs but will require market participants to remain vigilant in optimising their collateral and financing                     pages; we have seen some regional nuisances with Europe in particular posting
             strategies. Enhancing operational efficiencies and adapting to the evolving regulatory landscape will be crucial to ensuring                          significantly lower returns in the first half of the year. Bright spots globally centre
             sustainable returns in a complex market environment. Pledge solutions continue to feature in discussions and are becoming a                           around Asia where we saw strong growth in equity markets, and we cannot ignore
             significant feature of the market. Across the market there is an intense and growing focus on “the cost of doing business”.                           the Americas equities markets that still delivered over half of revenues attributable
                                                                                                                                                                   equities globally.
             On the regulatory front we would chiefly highlight two areas.
                                                                                                                                                                   In the following pages, we examine in more detail, the performance of the equities
             i.    The Basel III Endgame, particularly balance sheet ratios related to LCR and NSFR. Commercial banks are confronted                               markets in the first six months of 2024, written by Andrew Dyson, CEO, ISLA.
                  by higher regulatory capital costs. These changes will result in banks being required to allocate substantially more
                  capital against their trading and financing activities and could significantly increase borrowing costs and impact liquidity                     In previous reports we have shared publicly available repository data to uncover
                  availability.                                                                                                                                    potential trends in the use of security interest arrangements as well as SFTR
                                                                                                                                                                   reporting trends. Given the increasing role of pledge, as highlighted during the
             ii.    The US SEC has announced the go-live date for the mandatory clearing of UST repos (30th June 2026), with cash USTs                             panel discussions at our 31st Annual Securities Finance and Collateral Management
                  going live earlier, (31st December 2025). The FICC expect more than $3 Trillion of additional volume will come into                              conference in Geneva, we will look to publish more detailed insights in the coming
                  Clearing as a result, there are very serious implications to market structure and potentially liquidity in USTs as an asset                      months. If you would like to discuss the data in the interim, please reach out to our
                  class to be considered as a result of the changes, in particular for non US market participants, location of the transaction                     Regulation & Policy team.
                  is not the driver and firms should be aware of the implications direct and indirect on their businesses.
             Overall securities finance markets continue to navigate a period of transition. Maintaining a strategic and adaptable approach
             will be key for participants aiming to optimise returns and manage risks in the evolving landscape.

                                                                                                                                                                    Andrew Dyson
                                                                                                                                                                    CEO, ISLA
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