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 Securities Lending Market Report | H1 2024

 Equity Markets in Focus

 >>>  Global  >>>  North America

 Fig 6 - S&P Global  Fig 7 - S&P Global

 Global Equity Market                          North American Equity Market

 28.00  1.40  20.50                                                                                   0.74
 Lendable Value (Trillions €)  26.00  1.00  On-Loan Value (Trillions €)  Lendable Value (Trillions €)  19.00  0.68  On-Loan Value (Trillions €)
              Jan 24
 Jan 24  Feb 24  Mar 24  Apr 24  May 24  Jun 24  0.20  16.00  Feb 24  Mar 24  Apr 24  May 24  Jun 24  0.56
 Group Lendable  On-Loan Balance             Group Lendable  On-Loan Balance
 The first six months of 2024 were something of a curate‘s   Whilst disappointing in many ways it should be noted that   In North America we also saw a similar trend with equities   To summarise, North America Equities in H1 2024 were
 egg for the lending of equities. On the one hand we saw an   2024 performance is coming off the exceptional highs of 2023   being made available for lending steadily increasing during the   marked by:
 increasing desire from institutional investors to lend securities   and the first half of the year still delivered revenues of USD   period. Whilst some of this increase may well be attributable   •  Steady growth in on-loan balance through first quarter.
 as evidenced by the reported increase in securities being made   5.8 billion (EUR 5.4 billion) of revenues, the bulk of which was   to asset price inflation there is also clear evidence that more
 available to lend. However, this was tempered by falling year on   returned directly to clients.  securities are coming into lending programs. The reasons   •   The notable fall in on-loan balances in April may be down
 year revenues as the market failed to reach the levels seen in   To summarise, Global Equities in H1 2024 were marked by:  for this are likely to be varied. Whilst there is likely to be   to factors including profit-taking, worse-than-expected
 2023.   an element of institutional investors wanting to extract   inflation figures in the US pushing equity markets down,
 •   Steady growth in assets being available for lending during the   the lending premium from their portfolios especially after   revised expectations around central bank policy, and the
 Recently released data from S&P Global highlight an increasingly   period, driven in part by price inflation of underlying asset   the strong revenue streams seen in 2023, we are probably   closing of a number of high-profile short positions including
 crowded market with a reported 17% increase in all lendable   values given the bullish markets in H1 2024   also seeing a desire to better mobilise assets in the context   Visa.
 assets to USD 37.9 trillion (EUR 35.5 trillion) chasing an almost   of broader liquidity management objectives. This has
 unchanged year on year global on-loan balance of circa USD   •   Securities on-loan essentially unchanged over the period   been an increasing feature of our markets since the rolling   •   Continued growth in lendable mirrors trend seen as global
 2.7 trillion (EUR 2.5 trillion). This market compression has been   with some seasonality in late spring.   implementation of the uncleared margin rules for derivative   level as move investors appear to want to enter the market.
 compounded by depressed year-on-year revenue streams across   •   Given the increase in the underlying value of lendable assets,   transactions.   •   According to S&P American equities contributed over half
 almost all asset classes.
 adjusted on-loan value, would be flat to down for H1 2024.      of all reported earnings for equities globally.
 Equity markets have reflected these global trends although   •   Growth in lendable combined with flat on-loan has
 we have seen some regional nuances with Europe in particular   compressed utilization and suggested a more crowded
 posting significantly lower returns in the first half of the year.   market.
 Bright spots globally center around Asia where we saw strong
 growth in equity markets, and we cannot ignore the Americas
 equities markets that still delivered over half of revenues
 attributable equities globally.
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